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Videnskabelig forskning: Ofte stillede spørgsmål besvaret af litteraturen


1.Er det virkelig nok at træne en gang om ugen?

Graves J. E. et al., Effects of reduced training frequency on muscular strength, International Journal of Sports Medicine 9(5):316-319, 1988. Også DeRenne, C. et al., Effects of training frequency on strength maintenance in pubescent baseball players, Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 10(1):8-14, 1996. Forsøgspersonerne trænede i 10-18 uger med høj frekvens og nedsatte derefter frekvensen i 12 uger. Forsøgspersoner der trænede 3 gange om ugen, gik ned til 2 gange om ugen, og forsøgspersoner der trænede 2 gange om ugen, gik ned til 1 gang om ugen. Reduktionen i træningsfrekvens forbedrede hastigheden for styrkeforøgelse.


2.Er denne form for træning virkelig mere effektivt?

Westcott, W. L. et al., Effects of regular and slow speed resistance training on muscle strength, Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, 41:154-158, 2001. Dr. Westcott har foretaget en undersøgelse med forsøgspersoner af begge køn mellem 25 og 82 år. Over en 10-ugers periode udviste forsøgspersonerne som trænede efter metoden, en forøgelse i almen styrke på 59 %, sammenlignet med en forøgelse på 39 % med traditionel repetitionshastighed.


3.Er ét sæt virkelig nok?

Carpinelli, R. N. og R. M. Otto, Strength Training: single versus multiple sets, Sports Medicine 26(2):73-84, 1998. Nogle ”autoriteter” inden for motion hævder at træning med enkelt sæt er utilstrækkelig, men litteraturen understøtter ikke dette. Denne undersøgelse fra Adelphi University undersøgte al den kendte litteratur der sammenlignede træning med enkelte sæt med træning med flere sæt. Resultaterne viste markant at flere sæt IKKE resulterede i nogen resultatfremgang sammenlignet med enkelt sæt træning. 45 undersøgelser nåede til denne konklusion, mens bare 2 undersøgelser viste en marginal forbedring med flere sæt. Kort sagt: De ekstra sæt betød ikke andet end mere tid tilbragt i centeret.


4.Er reaktionen på fysisk træning virkelig genetisk betinget?

Thibault, M. C. et al., Inheritance of human muscle enzyme adaptation to isokinetic strength training, Human Heredity 1986;36(6):341-347. Denne undersøgelse udsatte fem par enæggede tvillinger for et 10-ugers styrketræningsprogram. Man overvågede biokemiske styrkemarkører. Reaktionerne var vidt forskellige fra tvillingepar til tvillingepar, men de enæggede tvillingers reaktioner var ... ja ... identiske.


5.Er styrketræning gavnligt for hjertepatienter?

Verrill, D. et al., Resistive exercise training in cardiac patients. Recommendations, Sports Medicine 1992 marts 13(3):171-193. Dette diskussionsoplæg erklærer: "Styrketræning anbefales og rapporteres at forbedre styrke, muskelmasse og tiltro til egne evner og reducerer muligvis risikofaktorer for hjerte-kar-sygdomme. Der synes at være betragtelige fordele og minimal risiko forbundet med styrketræning for patienter med nedsat hjerte-kar-funktion. Denne motionstype kan givetvis sætte patienter i stand til at udføre dagligdagens styrkekrævende gøremål sikkert, mere effektivt og med større selvsikkerhed."


Sparling, P. B. et al., Strength training in a cardiac rehabilitation program: a six month follow-up, Arch Phys Med Rehab 1990 februar; 71(2):148-152. Denne undersøgelse beskæftigede sig med 16 midaldrende mænd med myokardial infarkt (hjerteanfald), bypass-operation, ventrikelarytmi (hjerterytmeforstyrrelser),  ballonudvidelse eller andre hjertesygdomme bag sig. Blodtryksmålingerne viste ikke nogen forandringer i det gennemsnitlige systoliske eller diastoliske blodtryk under selve træningen. "Ikke i et eneste tilfælde så kredsløbstræningen ud til at hæve patientens blodtryk til et niveau over det kliniske forsvarlige for kontrolleret forhøjet blodtryk."


Parker, N. D. et al., Effects of strength training on cardiovascular responses during a submaximal walk and weight-loaded walking test in older females, J. Cardiopulm Rehab 1996 januar-februar; 16(1):56-62. Efter 16 ugers vægttræning udviste kvinder på 60-77 år reduceret hjertefrekvens, systolisk blodtryk og "rate pressure product" (RPP = hjertefrekvens x systolisk blodtryk) på løbebånd med og uden en vægtbelastning på 40 % af deres kropsvægt. Deres konklusion: Styrketræning reducerer belastningen af hjerte-kar-systemet under dagligdagens gøremål hos raske ældre kvinder.


6.Er styrketræning gavnlig for patienter med ledbetændelse/gigt?

Rall, L. C. et al., The effect of progressive resistance training in rheumatoid arthritis. Increased strength without changes in energy balance or body composition, Arthritis Rheum 1996 marts; 39(3):415-426. "Højintensiv styrketræning er praktisk mulig og sikker for de fleste patienter med velkontrolleret rheumatoid artritis (leddegigt) og fører til væsentlige forbedringer vedrørende styrke, smerte og udmattelse uden at forværre sygdomsaktiviteten eller ledsmerten."


7.Hvis jeg dropper træningen i lang tid, giver det så mening at komme tilbage?

Staron, R. S. et al., Strength and skeletal muscle adaptations in heavy-resistance-trained women after detraining and retraining, J Appl Physiol 1991 februar; 70(2):631-640. Forsøgspersonerne blev trænet i 20 uger efterfulgt af 30 ugers pause, igen efterfulgt af 6 ugers genoptræning. Under genoptræningen genvandt kvinderne hurtigt et niveau svarende til dét de opnåede efter deres første 20 uger.


8.Er styrketræning en forsvarlig motionsform for ældre?

Evans, W. J., Reversing sarcopenia: how weight training can build strength and vitality, Geriatrics 1996 maj; 51(5):46-47,51-53. "Progressiv styrketræning kan give væsentlige forøgelser af styrke og muskelstørrelse, selv hos meget gamle mennesker. For mange ældre patienter er modstandstræning den sikreste og mindst omkostningstunge metode til at tabe kropsfedt, sænke blodtrykket, forbedre glukosetolerancen og bevare deres uafhængighed i lang tid."


Meuleman, J. R. et al., Exercise training in the debilitated aged: strength and functional outcomes, Arch Phys Med Rehab 2000 marts; 81(3):312-318. 58 ældre forsøgspersoner med mindst én funktionsnedsættelse med relevans for dagligdagens aktiviteter gennemførte et 8-ugers styrketræningsprogram. Deres styrke tiltog i gennemsnit 32,8 %, hvor de mest svækkede udviste de største forbedringer. "Denne gruppe af svækkede ældre patienter udførte modstandstræning effektivt og øgede deres styrke, med de mest svækkede som dem der vandt mest funktionsdygtighed.


Fielding, R. A., Effects of exercise training in the elderly: impact of progressive resistance training on skeletal muscle and whole-body protein metabolism, Proc Nutr Soc 1995 november; 54(3):665-675. Denne oversigtsartikel erklærer: "Det overvældende dokumentationsmateriale som præsenteres i denne oversigt, tyder på at tab af muskelstyrke og -funktion som ses ved fremskridende alder, er reversibelt selv hos svagelige/svækkede ældre. Øvelsesprogrammer designet til at forbedre muskelstyrke anbefales til ældre mennesker som en effektiv modforanstaltning mod alderdommens sarkopeni."


Ades, P. A. et al., Weight training improves walking endurance in healthy elderly persons, Ann Intern Med 1996 15. marts; 124(6):568-572. 24 forsøgspersoner i alderen 65-79 år gennemgik et 3-måneders styrketræningsprogram. Deltagerne øgede deres gangudholdenhed med 38 %. Der var ingen forandring i maksimal aerob kapacitet til at forklare forbedringen. "Modstandstræning i 3 måneder forbedrer både benstyrke og gangudholdenhed hos raske, hjemmeboende ældre mennesker. Denne konstatering er relevant for ældre mennesker med risiko for at udvikle invaliditet fordi gangudholdenhed og benstyrke er vigtige elementer i fysisk funktionsdygtighed."


9.Medvirker styrketræning til at forebygge eller reversere osteoporose (knogleskørhed)?

Kerr, D. et al., Exercise effects on bone mass in postmenopausal women are site-specific and load-dependent, J. Bone Miner Res 1996 februar; 11(2):218-225. 56 forsøgspersoner blev med tilfældig fordeling udsat for enten hård eller let styrketræningtræning. Kun styrketræning med tungere belastninger øgede knoglernes mineraldensitet.





Scand J Rehabil Med. ;11(1):33-6, 1979vv

Increase Of Muscle Strength From Isometric Quadriceps Exercises At Different Knee Angles.

Lindh M.


Pflugers Arch. ; 405(4):384-8, December 1985

The Effects Of Two Forms Of Isometric Training On The Mechanical Properties Of The Triceps Surae In Man.

Young K, McDonagh MJ, Davies CT.


Journal of Applied Physiology Vol. 64 no. 4, 1500-1505, April 1988

Myoelectrical And Mechanical Changes Linked To Length Specificity During Isometric Training

C. Thepaut-Mathieu, J. Van Hoecke, B. Maton


Eur J Appl Physiol Occup Physiol. ;70(4):337-43, 1995

Effects Of Unilateral Isometric Strength Training On Joint Angle Specificity And Cross-Training.

Weir JP, Housh TJ, Weir LL, Johnson GO.


Int J Physiother. ;1(1): 10-16, 2014

Effect of isometric quadriceps strengthening exercise at multiple angles in knee joint among normal adults.

JibiPaul, Pradeep Balakrishnan.


The Journal of Physiology. ;391, pp. 1-11, 1987

Human muscle strength training: the effects of three different regimes and the nature of the resultant changes

By D. A. Jones and 0. M. Rutherford

The Journal of Applied Research. Volume 7, No.1, 2007

Muscle Strength Training and Weight Loss from a Combined Isometric Exercise and Dietary Program

Jerrold Petrofsky, Jennifer Batt, Ryan Jones, Vincent Kambe, Natalia Ushak, James P. Tucker, Luke Gentry, Tamara Billings, Shashi Gunda


Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. 40: 45, 1978

Effect Of Isometric Strength Training On Mechanical, Electrical, And Metabolic Aspects Of Muscle Function

Komi, P.V., Viitasalo, J.T., Rauramaa, R. et al.



The Journal of Clinical Hypertension, 2010

Current Evidence on the Hemodynamic and Blood Pressure Effects of Isometric Exercise in Normotensive and Hypertensive Persons

Steven G. Chrysant, MD, PhD


Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2004

Transferability of Strength Gains from Limited to Full Range of Motion

Yaron Barak, Moshe Ayalon, Zeevi Dvir



The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 6, No. 4, 2006

Muscle Use During Isometric Cocontraction of Agonist-Antagonist Muscle Pairs in the Upper and Lower Body Compared to Abdominal Crunches and a Commercial Multi Gym Exerciser

Jerrold Petrofsky, Jennifer Batt, Hye Jin Suh, Ryan Jones, Natalia Ushak, James P.Tucker, Luke Gentry, Vincent Kambe, Tamara Billings



Annals of Biological Research, 2 (1):83-87, 2011

The Effects Of Isometric Exercising Method On Under-Skin Fat Rate In Nonathlete Boy Students Of Islamic Azad University

Mohammad Dehghanpor, Amineh Sahranavard and Alireza Lotfi


Annals of Biological Research, 2 (4):455-459, 2011

The Effect Of Three Different Exercising Methods On Under-Skin Fat Rate In Non-Athlete Males

Mohammad Dehghanpor, Mir Hamid Salehian, Ali Ojaghi, Amineh Sahranavard


The Journal of Applied Research. Volume 7, No.1, 2007

Muscle Strength Training and Weight Loss from a Combined Isometric Exercise and Dietary Program

Jerrold Petrofsky, Jennifer Batt, Ryan Jones, Vincent Kambe, Natalia Ushak, James P. Tucker, Luke Gentry, Tamara Billings, Shashi Gunda



The Journal of Applied Research Vol. 6, No. 4, 2006

Muscle Use During Isometric Cocontraction of Agonist-Antagonist Muscle Pairs in the Upper and Lower Body Compared to Abdominal Crunches and a Commercial Multi Gym Exerciser

Jerrold Petrofsky, Jennifer Batt, Hye Jin Suh, Ryan Jones, Natalia Ushak, James P.Tucker, Luke Gentry, Vincent Kambe, Tamara Billings



Journal of Applied Physiology Vol. 89 no. 3, 977-984, September 1st 2000

Resistance Training Increases Total Energy Expenditure And Free-Living Physical Activity In Older Adults

Gary R. Hunter, Carla J. Wetzstein, David A. Fields, Amanda Brown, Marcas M. Bamman


Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. 40: 45, 1978

Effect Of Isometric Strength Training On Mechanical, Electrical, And Metabolic Aspects Of Muscle Function

Komi, P.V., Viitasalo, J.T., Rauramaa, R. et al.




Journal of the American Heart Association: Volume 89, Issue 3, 327–334, March 2014

Exercise Training for Blood Pressure: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Veronique A. Cornelissen, PhD; Neil A. Smart, PhD


Eur J Appl Physiol 116: 1289–1296, 2016

Isometric Exercise Training Lowers Resting Blood Pressure And Improves Local Brachial Artery Flow-- Mediated Dilation Equally In Men And Women

Mark B. Badrov, Shane R. Freeman, Mary Ann Zokvic, Philip J. Millar, Cheri L. McGowan


Mayo Clin Proc. 89(3): 327-334, March 2014

Isometric Exercise Training for Blood Pressure Management: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Debra J. Carlson, BHlthSc; Gudrun Dieberg, PhD; Nicole C. Hess, BPsych(Hons); Philip J. Millar, PhD; and Neil A. Smart, PhD


The Journal Of Clinical Hypertension: Vol. 12 No. September 2010

Current Evidence on the Hemodynamic and Blood Pressure Effects of Isometric Exercise in Normotensive and Hypertensive Persons

Steven G. Chrysant, MD, PhD


Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine: 4 33–40, 2013

Double-Leg Isometric Exercise Training In Older Men

Anthony W Baross, Jonathan D Wiles, Ian L Swaine


Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: December 1971

Brief Maximal Isometric Exercise In Hypertension

Broino Kiveloff M.D., Olive Huber Ph.D



Prev Med. 33(5): 503-13, November 2001

Potential Health-Related Benefits of Resistance Training

Richard A. Winett, Ph.D., and Ralph N. Carpinelli, Ed.D.


Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 981-985, 2011

The Effect of Isometric Training on Prevention of Bone Density Reduction in Injured Limbs During a Period of Immobilization

Mohammad Reza Yousefi, Nassour Ahmadi, Mohammad Reza Abbaszadeh, Kaveh Kheybari, Ahmad Valizadeh and Mohammad Nasiri


Osteoporosis International: Volume 17, Issue 8: 1225-1240, August 2006

High-Intensity Resistance Training And Postmenopausal Bone Loss: A Meta-Analysis

M. Martyn-St James, S. Carroll



The Journal of Applied Research. Volume 7, No.1, 2007

Muscle Strength Training and Weight Loss from a Combined Isometric Exercise and Dietary Program

Jerrold Petrofsky, Jennifer Batt, Ryan Jones, Vincent Kambe, Natalia Ushak, James P. Tucker, Luke Gentry, Tamara Billings, Shashi Gunda



Europ. J. Appl. Physiol. 40: 45, 1978

Effect Of Isometric Strength Training On Mechanical, Electrical, And Metabolic Aspects Of Muscle Function

Komi, P.V., Viitasalo, J.T., Rauramaa, R. et al.




Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 2014

Effects of Stabilization Exercises on Health-Related Quality of Life in Women With Chronic Low Back Pain

Maria Moussouli, Symeon P. Vlachopoulos, Nikolaos D. Kofotolis, Yannis Theodorakis, Paraskevi Malliou, and Eleftherios Kellis


BMC Cancer, 14:67, 2014

Feasibility of Isometric Spinal Muscle Training In Patients With Bone Metastases Under Radiation Therapy - First Results Of A Randomized Pilot Trial

Harald Rief, Georg Omlor, Michael Akbar, Thomas Welzel, Thomas Bruckner, Stefan Rieken,

Matthias F Haefner, Ingmar Schlampp, Alexandros Gioules, Daniel Habermehl, Friedbert von Nettel- bladt and Jürgen Debus


Pain, 64 415-423, 1996

Modulation Of Pressure Pain Thresholds During And Following Isometric Contraction In Patients With Fibromyalgia And In Healthy Controls

Eva Kosek Jan Ekholm and Per Hansson


Pain 118, 2005

Isometric Exercise Has Opposite Effects On Central Pain Mechanisms In Fibromyalgia Patients Com- pared To Normal Controls

Roland Staud, Michael E. Robinson, Donald D. Price


Official Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 2013

Pain Relief after Isometric Exercise Is Not Task-Dependent in Older Men and Women

Kathy J. Lemley, Breanna Drewek, Sandra K. Hunter, And Marie K. Hoeger Bement


Isokinetics and Exercise Science 19 207–214, 2011

The Effect Of Early Isometric Exercises On Clinical And Neurophysiological Parameters In Patients With Sciatica: An Interventional Randomized Single-Blinded Study

Juliusz Huber, Przemysławlisinski, Wodzimierz Samborski and Marcin Wytrazek


American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine: Vol 4, No 5, May 2010

Mental Health Benefits of Strength Training in Adults

Patrick J. O’Connor, PhD, Matthew P. Herring, MS, and Amanda Caravalho



Society for the Study of Addiction, 2009

Effect Of Isometric Exercise And Body Scanning On Cigarette Cravings And Withdrawal Symptoms

Michael Ussher, Mark Cropley, Sally Playle, Roshane Mohidin and Robert West


Hum Psychopharmacol Clin Exp; 21: 39–46, 2006

Acute Effect of Isometric Exercise on Desire to Smoke and Tobacco Withdrawal Symptoms

Ussher M, West R, Doshi R, Sampuran AK.



American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine: Vol 4, No 5

Mental Health Benefits of Strength Training in Adults

Patrick J. O’Connor, PhD, Matthew P. Herring, MS, and Amanda Caravalho


International Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation 1:5, 2013

Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation after Rotator Cuff Repai: A Review of Current Concepts

Austin Vo, Hanbing Zhou, Guillaume Dumont, Simon Fogerty, Claudio Rosso and Xinning Li


Journal of Applied Philosophy, 1988

Myoelectrical and Mechanical Changes Linked to Length Specificity During Isometric Training

Thépaut-Mathieu C, Van Hoecke J, Maton B.


Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, February 2002

Effects of Resistance Training on the Sit-and-Reach Test in Elderly Women.

Barbosa, Aline Rodrigues; Santarém, José Maria; Filho, Wilson Jacob; De Fátima Nunes Marucci, Maria


Science of Flexibility, p.162- 164, 1996

Michael J. Alter

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Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(2), 374–378, 2003

Adding Weights to Stretching Exercise Increases Passive Range of Motion for Healthy Elderly

Ann Marie Swank, Daniel C. Funk, Michael P. Durham, And Sherri Roberts



Journal of the American Geriatrics Society: July 1983

Isometrics Can Counteract the Effects of Disuse

Broino Kiveloff M.D. Associate Chief Department of Rehabilitation Medicine The New York Infirmary


Prevention magazine, February 1983


Eur J Appl Physiol 112:4151–4161, 2012

Isometric Strength Training Lowers the O2 Cost of Cycling During Moderate-Intensity Exercise

Zoladz JA, Szkutnik Z, Majerczak J, Grandys M, Duda K, Grassi B.



Current Orthopaedic Practice: Vol. 24 - Issue 1: p 79–83, January/February 2013

Shoulder Rehabilitation in Glenohumeral Instability

Lervick, Gregory N.


Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 2004

Transferability of Strength Gains from Limited to Full Range of Motion

Yaron Barak, Moshe Ayalon, Zeevi Dvir



Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology: Official Journal of the International Society of Electro- physiological Kinesiology 24(1), 2013

The Effects of Isometric and Isotonic Training On Hamstring Stiffness and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Loading Mechanisms

J. Troy Blackburn, Marc F. Norcross


Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 5(12): 981-985, 2011

The Effect of Isometric Training on Prevention of Bone Density Reduction in Injured Limbs During a Period of Immobilization

Mohammad Reza Yousefi, Nasoor Ahmad, Mohammad Reza Abbaszadeh, Sina Rokhsati



Journal of Sports Sciences 31(1), September 2012

Explosive Force Production During Isometric Squats Correlates with Athletic Performance in Rugby Union Players

Tillin NA, Pain MT, Folland J.


The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness 53(5):573-81, October 2013

Relationships of Isometric Mid-Thigh Pull Variables To Weightlifting Performance

Beckham G, Mizuguchi S, Carter C, Sato K, Ramsey M, Lamont H, Hornsby G, Haff G, Stone M.

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